Une vie politique européenne? / A European political life?

mai 2019

À l'occasion des élections européennes 2019, la bibliothèque de Sciences Po et Olivier Rozenberg, Associate Professor au Centre d’études européennes et de politique comparée, et conseiller scientifique du Master Affaires européennes/École d'affaires publiques de Sciences Po ont proposé à des étudiants de master de se pencher sur la question de l'existence d'une vie politique européenne.

Ce dossier en est l'aboutissement : il réunit 13 contributions étudiantes ainsi qu'un entretien croisé entre Loïc Azoulai de l'École de Droit, Bruno Cautrès du Cevipof et Olivier Rozenberg. Une bibliographie et une chronologie complètent cet ensemble.

Sur une facade exterieur d'un immeuble parisien une fresque murale avec un drapeau europeen est en cours de realisation par des peintres en trompe l'oeil. Realisation Delaporte / Catherine Feff .
Brussels, Belgium. 20th Nov. 2018. Plenary room of the European Parliament during the 70th anniversary of the Universal declaration of human right's conference.
Par Olivier Rozenberg | La création d’une vie politique européenne fut longtemps présentée comme un objectif d’intégration pour le continent européen. Les relations interétatiques au sein des Communautés puis de l’Union européenne ne devaient pas être le seul fait des diplomates et des bureaucrates, mais de dirigeants politiques soucieux d’élections...
© Caroline Maufroid / Sciences Po
Comment démocratiser l'Europe ? Quelle européanisation des vies politiques nationales ? Quelles implications citoyennes ? Autour de la thématique de l'existence d'une vie politique européenne, échange entre Loïc Azoulai de l'École de Droit , Bruno Cautrès du Cevipof et Olivier Rozenberg du Centre d’études européennes et de politique comparée .
© Jules Beley
In popular discourse, no one seems to question or temper the idea that participation in European Union (EU) elections has been decreasing constantly. After all, hasn’t it? With the elections coming up, it’s a good time to get the facts straight. By Jules Beley
President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker arrives on March 21, 2019 in Brussels on the first day of an EU summit focused on Brexit. - European Union leaders meet in Brussels on March 21 and 22, for the last EU summit before Britain's scheduled exit of the union. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
Dans ses travaux sur l’État et la bureaucratie modernes de 1921, l’universitaire Max Weber distingue trois sources de légitimité politique : son caractère traditionnel, bureaucratique ou charismatique. Dès ses origines, l’Union européenne a fondé sa légitimité sur la nature rationnelle de son administration bureaucratique 1 . Face à la critique...
A televison reading "breaking news"  shows Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi addressing the nation the day after he resigned on November 13, 2011 in Rome. Former European commissioner Mario Monti was called to the president's office on Sunday for an expected imminent nomination to form a new government, a day after Silvio Berlusconi resigned. AFP PHOTO / GABRIEL BOUYS (Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP)
The fall of the Berlusconi government in 2011 was a game-changer in Italian politics. The prominent role taken by the EU in the succession of the events was unprecedented and contributed to catalyse the attention of the public on the European level. The magnitude of the change was clearly visible...
FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY - MAY 6, 2017: Sign of the European Central Bank with the headquarters in the background.
The years leading up and following the financial crisis of 2008 saw a significant shift in public opinion towards the Euro. According to a Eurobarometer survey , the share of Eurozone nationals who believed in the benefits of the single currency went from 59% in September 2006 to 47% in...
British Prime Minister David Cameron (C), former Liberal Democrats leader Paddy Ashdown (2R), former Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock (R) and British Labour Party politician Tessa Jowell (3L) make campaign calls for Britain Stronger in Europe, the official 'Remain' campaign organisation for the forthcoming EU referendum, in London on April 14, 2016. - The campaign got underway with 10 weeks to go before polling day on 23 June when Britain will vote to leave or remain in the European Union.
Former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, played a political game and lost. In a nation where Brussels had become the customary whipping boy, Cameron gambled his political destiny on a high-risk referendum that he thought he could never lose. He wanted to settle Britain’s place in Europe, instead, his referendum...
© Alexandros Michailidis/Shutterstock

Bibliographie réalisée par Léo Montaz, responsable de la bibliothèque du Campus de Sciences Po à Reims.

un autocollant pour le "Non" à la Constitution est visible, le 09 mai 2005, sur le panneau de la place de l'Europe à Paris, en marge d'un rassemblement organisé pour le pluralisme des médias dans la campagne sur le referendum du 29 mai prochain sur la constitution européenne.
In 2005, several countries organised referenda on ratifying the proposal for a European constitution. After the Netherlands and France voted ‘no’, it became clear that the constitution would not be implemented. What are the particularities and similarities between the motivations behind the ‘no’-votes in France and the Netherlands ? How...
Budapest, HUNGARY - April 4, 2018: Hungarian government billboard anti-immigration campaign, say STOP the refugees immigration
At the height of the so-called “migration crisis”, the European Commission, backed by the Council and the European Parliament, decided to relocate asylum-seekers from the overburdened asylum systems in Greece and Italy to other Member States. Confronted with the failures of the Dublin system, this new mandatory relocation scheme aimed...
In this June 16, 2015, file photo, French far right leader of the Front National, Marine Le Pen, center, poses with other members of the far right after a media conference at the European Parliament in Brussels. At the European Parliament, where elections are due in 2019, many say the need for action against hate speech, and strong sanctions for offenders, is long overdue. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo, File)
Political parties from the mainstream center-right and center-left have traditionally dominated the European Parliament. However, times are changing, with an increase in far-right and Eurosceptic MEPs elected and the recent formation of far-right groups in the European Parliament, including the Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) led by Marine Le...
Rituel débat de l'entre-deux-tours de l'élection présidentielle à J-4 du second tour qui oppose Emmanuel MACRON du mouvement "En Marche !" à Marine LE PEN du Front National (FN) sur le plateau commun de TF1 et de France 2
On retiendra du débat télévisé de l’entre-deux-tours de l’élection présidentielle de 2017 qu’il aura été « le pire débat télévisé de l’histoire de la Ve République » 1 . Et pour cause : les 2h30 de l’émission se sont transformées en altercation où l’on a vu la débâcle de Marine...
© Shutterstock
The long years of war had left Europe weak and resource-stripped; there was a pressing need to build a unified European alliance. To regain its strength and ascertain peaceful conditions, on May 9, 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Minister, proposed the formation of the European Community of Steel...
Brussels, Belgium. 6th June, 2018. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker gives a joint press conference with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.
The wave of populism has been ravaging Europe for a while now and there seems to be no end to it yet. Austria is a particular case. Extreme right, or as some call, far right parties, have gained an immense electoral support by the Austrian people three times with almost...
Activists take part in a protest against Biotechnology giant Monsanto, outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on Jul. 19, 2017
Premier mécanisme de démocratie participative en Union européenne, l’Initiative citoyenne européenne (ICE) a pour objectif premier d’améliorer la confiance entre les citoyens européens et leurs institutions. Pourtant, l’exemple de l’initiative « Non au Glyphosate » démontre qu’une ICE, même aboutie, peut parfois créer plus de défiance que d’adhésion. À la...
© EPP CC-BY FlickR
He sat calmly in his chair, leaning back as the speaker’s words rang in his ears and in those of everyone else in the chamber. His favorite critic, Guy Verhofstadt, was playing the role of raconteur, sharing a story of his first impression of the Hungarian Prime Minister, gleaned in...
Sculpture of Europa riding the bull at the European parliament - STRASBOURG, FRANCE, APRIL 16, 2013

Éléments de chronologie

Cette chronologie présente les grands jalons de la vie politique européenne (élargissements successifs, référendums nationaux, élections européennes, etc.) et s'articule autour des différentes thèmes abordés dans les articles du dossier "Une vie politique européenne ?".