
Bibliographie portant sur “l’affaire Pinochet” dans ses dimensions nationales et internationales, et le traitement politique et juridique des questions de justice transitionnelle, de mémoire collective ou encore de  disparitions forcées au Chili et en Amérique latine.

LAZARIDIS, Gabriella. WADIA, Khursheed. The securitisation of migration in the EU: debates since 9/11. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, XII-247 pages (European Union in international affairs,
NAGY, Boldizsár. Sharing the Responsibility or Shifting the Focus? The Responses of the EU and the Visegrad Countries to the Post-2015 Arrival of Migrants and Refugees Global Turkey in Europe. Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). 2017.
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ROOS, Christof. ORSINI, Giacomo. How to reconcile the EU border paradox? The concurrence of refugee reception and deterrence. n° 4. IES: Institute for European Studies, 2015, 4 p..
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